Tailwind Background Color
The Tailwind background color utility classes are used to add a background color to an element. Tailwind CSS provides a wide range of color options that you can use out of the box.
Tailwind Background Color
The Tailwind background color utility classes are used to add a background color to an element. With Tailwind's background color classes, you can quickly apply colors to elements without writing custom CSS.
Applying Tailwind Background Color
To apply a Tailwind background color to an element, you can use the bg-{color}
utility class, where {color}
represents the desired color. Tailwind CSS provides a wide range of color options that you can use out of the box.
<button class="bg-blue-500... ">element has a blue background</button>
Color Variants
Tailwind background color includes color variants that you can use to modify the brightness or opacity of a color. These color variants are specified using a number from 100 to 900. For example, you can use bg-red-100
for a lighter shade of red and bg-red-900
for a darker shade of red. Here's an example:
<div> <div> <button class="bg-red-400 ....">element has a red background</button> <button class="bg-red-500 ....">element has a red background</button> </div></div>
In the above example, the bg-red-400
class is applied to the first<button>
element, setting its background color to a lighter shade of red. The bg-red-900
class is applied to the second <button>
element, setting its background color to a darker shade of red.
Custom Tailwind Colors
Tailwind CSS also allows you to define your own custom colors in the configuration file. Once defined, you can use your custom colors with the bg-{color}
utility class. Here's an example of using a custom color:
<div class="bg-custom-blue"> This element has a custom blue background color.</div>
In the above example, a custom color called custom-blue is defined in the Tailwind CSS configuration file. The bg-custom-blue class is applied to the <div>
element, setting its background color to the defined custom blue color.
Responsive Tailwind Background Color
Tailwind CSS allows you to apply background colors responsively at different breakpoints. To use responsive Tailwind background color classes, you can append the breakpoint prefix to the background color class. For example, md:bg-green-500
applies the green background color starting from the medium breakpoint and above. Here's an example:
<div class="bg-blue-500 md:bg-green-500"> This element has a blue background color by default, but changes to green starting from the medium breakpoint.</div>
In the above example, the bg-blue-500
class is applied by default, setting the background color to blue. However, starting from the medium breakpoint and above (md:bg-green-500), the background color changes to green.
Tailwind Background Color Classes table
Class | Properties |
bg-inherit | background-color: inherit; |
bg-current | background-color: currentColor; |
bg-transparent | background-color: transparent; |
bg-black | background-color: rgb(0 0 0); |
bg-white | background-color: rgb(255 255 255); |
bg-slate-50 | background-color: rgb(248 250 252); |
bg-slate-100 | background-color: rgb(241 245 249); |
bg-slate-200 | background-color: rgb(226 232 240); |
bg-slate-300 | background-color: rgb(203 213 225); |
bg-slate-400 | background-color: rgb(148 163 184); |
bg-slate-500 | background-color: rgb(100 116 139); |
bg-slate-600 | background-color: rgb(71 85 105); |
bg-slate-700 | background-color: rgb(51 65 85); |
bg-slate-800 | background-color: rgb(30 41 59); |
bg-slate-900 | background-color: rgb(15 23 42); |
bg-slate-950 | background-color: rgb(2 6 23); |
bg-gray-50 | background-color: rgb(249 250 251); |
bg-gray-100 | background-color: rgb(243 244 246); |
bg-gray-200 | background-color: rgb(229 231 235); |
bg-gray-300 | background-color: rgb(209 213 219); |
bg-gray-400 | background-color: rgb(156 163 175); |
bg-gray-500 | background-color: rgb(107 114 128); |
bg-gray-600 | background-color: rgb(75 85 99); |
bg-gray-700 | background-color: rgb(55 65 81); |
bg-gray-800 | background-color: rgb(31 41 55); |
bg-gray-900 | background-color: rgb(17 24 39); |
bg-gray-950 | background-color: rgb(3 7 18); |
bg-zinc-50 | background-color: rgb(250 250 250); |
bg-zinc-100 | background-color: rgb(244 244 245); |
bg-zinc-200 | background-color: rgb(228 228 231); |
bg-zinc-300 | background-color: rgb(212 212 216); |
bg-zinc-400 | background-color: rgb(161 161 170); |
bg-zinc-500 | background-color: rgb(113 113 122); |
bg-zinc-600 | background-color: rgb(82 82 91); |
bg-zinc-700 | background-color: rgb(63 63 70); |
bg-zinc-800 | background-color: rgb(39 39 42); |
bg-zinc-900 | background-color: rgb(24 24 27); |
bg-zinc-950 | background-color: rgb(9 9 11); |
bg-neutral-50 | background-color: rgb(250 250 250); |
bg-neutral-100 | background-color: rgb(245 245 245); |
bg-neutral-200 | background-color: rgb(229 229 229); |
bg-neutral-300 | background-color: rgb(212 212 212); |
bg-neutral-400 | background-color: rgb(163 163 163); |
bg-neutral-500 | background-color: rgb(115 115 115); |
bg-neutral-600 | background-color: rgb(82 82 82); |
bg-neutral-700 | background-color: rgb(64 64 64); |
bg-neutral-800 | background-color: rgb(38 38 38); |
bg-neutral-900 | background-color: rgb(23 23 23); |
bg-neutral-950 | background-color: rgb(10 10 10); |
bg-stone-50 | background-color: rgb(250 250 249); |
bg-stone-100 | background-color: rgb(245 245 244); |
bg-stone-200 | background-color: rgb(231 229 228); |
bg-stone-300 | background-color: rgb(214 211 209); |
bg-stone-400 | background-color: rgb(168 162 158); |
bg-stone-500 | background-color: rgb(120 113 108); |
bg-stone-600 | background-color: rgb(87 83 78); |
bg-stone-700 | background-color: rgb(68 64 60); |
bg-stone-800 | background-color: rgb(41 37 36); |
bg-stone-900 | background-color: rgb(28 25 23); |
bg-stone-950 | background-color: rgb(12 10 9); |
bg-red-50 | background-color: rgb(254 242 242); |
bg-red-100 | background-color: rgb(254 226 226); |
bg-red-200 | background-color: rgb(254 202 202); |
bg-red-300 | background-color: rgb(252 165 165); |
bg-red-400 | background-color: rgb(248 113 113); |
bg-red-500 | background-color: rgb(239 68 68); |
bg-red-600 | background-color: rgb(220 38 38); |
bg-red-700 | background-color: rgb(185 28 28); |
bg-red-800 | background-color: rgb(153 27 27); |
bg-red-900 | background-color: rgb(127 29 29); |
bg-red-950 | background-color: rgb(69 10 10); |
bg-orange-50 | background-color: rgb(255 247 237); |
bg-orange-100 | background-color: rgb(255 237 213); |
bg-orange-200 | background-color: rgb(254 215 170); |
bg-orange-300 | background-color: rgb(253 186 116); |
bg-orange-400 | background-color: rgb(251 146 60); |
bg-orange-500 | background-color: rgb(249 115 22); |
bg-orange-600 | background-color: rgb(234 88 12); |
bg-orange-700 | background-color: rgb(194 65 12); |
bg-orange-800 | background-color: rgb(154 52 18); |
bg-orange-900 | background-color: rgb(124 45 18); |
bg-orange-950 | background-color: rgb(67 20 7); |
bg-amber-50 | background-color: rgb(255 251 235); |
bg-amber-100 | background-color: rgb(254 243 199); |
bg-amber-200 | background-color: rgb(253 230 138); |
bg-amber-300 | background-color: rgb(252 211 77); |
bg-amber-400 | background-color: rgb(251 191 36); |
bg-amber-500 | background-color: rgb(245 158 11); |
bg-amber-600 | background-color: rgb(217 119 6); |
bg-amber-700 | background-color: rgb(180 83 9); |
bg-amber-800 | background-color: rgb(146 64 14); |
bg-amber-900 | background-color: rgb(120 53 15); |
bg-amber-950 | background-color: rgb(69 26 3); |
bg-yellow-50 | background-color: rgb(254 252 232); |
bg-yellow-100 | background-color: rgb(254 249 195); |
bg-yellow-200 | background-color: rgb(254 240 138); |
bg-yellow-300 | background-color: rgb(253 224 71); |
bg-yellow-400 | background-color: rgb(250 204 21); |
bg-yellow-500 | background-color: rgb(234 179 8); |
bg-yellow-600 | background-color: rgb(202 138 4); |
bg-yellow-700 | background-color: rgb(161 98 7); |
bg-yellow-800 | background-color: rgb(133 77 14); |
bg-yellow-900 | background-color: rgb(113 63 18); |
bg-yellow-950 | background-color: rgb(66 32 6); |
bg-lime-50 | background-color: rgb(247 254 231); |
bg-lime-100 | background-color: rgb(236 252 203); |
bg-lime-200 | background-color: rgb(217 249 157); |
bg-lime-300 | background-color: rgb(190 242 100); |
bg-lime-400 | background-color: rgb(163 230 53); |
bg-lime-500 | background-color: rgb(132 204 22); |
bg-lime-600 | background-color: rgb(101 163 13); |
bg-lime-700 | background-color: rgb(77 124 15); |
bg-lime-800 | background-color: rgb(63 98 18); |
bg-lime-900 | background-color: rgb(54 83 20); |
bg-lime-950 | background-color: rgb(26 46 5); |
bg-green-50 | background-color: rgb(240 253 244); |
bg-green-100 | background-color: rgb(220 252 231); |
bg-green-200 | background-color: rgb(187 247 208); |
bg-green-300 | background-color: rgb(134 239 172); |
bg-green-400 | background-color: rgb(74 222 128); |
bg-green-500 | background-color: rgb(34 197 94); |
bg-green-600 | background-color: rgb(22 163 74); |
bg-green-700 | background-color: rgb(21 128 61); |
bg-green-800 | background-color: rgb(22 101 52); |
bg-green-900 | background-color: rgb(20 83 45); |
bg-green-950 | background-color: rgb(5 46 22); |
bg-emerald-50 | background-color: rgb(236 253 245); |
bg-emerald-100 | background-color: rgb(209 250 229); |
bg-emerald-200 | background-color: rgb(167 243 208); |
bg-emerald-300 | background-color: rgb(110 231 183); |
bg-emerald-400 | background-color: rgb(52 211 153); |
bg-emerald-500 | background-color: rgb(16 185 129); |
bg-emerald-600 | background-color: rgb(5 150 105); |
bg-emerald-700 | background-color: rgb(4 120 87); |
bg-emerald-800 | background-color: rgb(6 95 70); |
bg-emerald-900 | background-color: rgb(6 78 59); |
bg-emerald-950 | background-color: rgb(2 44 34); |
bg-teal-50 | background-color: rgb(240 253 250); |
bg-teal-100 | background-color: rgb(204 251 241); |
bg-teal-200 | background-color: rgb(153 246 228); |
bg-teal-300 | background-color: rgb(94 234 212); |
bg-teal-400 | background-color: rgb(45 212 191); |
bg-teal-500 | background-color: rgb(20 184 166); |
bg-teal-600 | background-color: rgb(13 148 136); |
bg-teal-700 | background-color: rgb(15 118 110); |
bg-teal-800 | background-color: rgb(17 94 89); |
bg-teal-900 | background-color: rgb(19 78 74); |
bg-teal-950 | background-color: rgb(4 47 46); |
bg-cyan-50 | background-color: rgb(236 254 255); |
bg-cyan-100 | background-color: rgb(207 250 254); |
bg-cyan-200 | background-color: rgb(165 243 252); |
bg-cyan-300 | background-color: rgb(103 232 249); |
bg-cyan-400 | background-color: rgb(34 211 238); |
bg-cyan-500 | background-color: rgb(6 182 212); |
bg-cyan-600 | background-color: rgb(8 145 178); |
bg-cyan-700 | background-color: rgb(14 116 144); |
bg-cyan-800 | background-color: rgb(21 94 117); |
bg-cyan-900 | background-color: rgb(22 78 99); |
bg-cyan-950 | background-color: rgb(8 51 68); |
bg-sky-50 | background-color: rgb(240 249 255); |
bg-sky-100 | background-color: rgb(224 242 254); |
bg-sky-200 | background-color: rgb(186 230 253); |
bg-sky-300 | background-color: rgb(125 211 252); |
bg-sky-400 | background-color: rgb(56 189 248); |
bg-sky-500 | background-color: rgb(14 165 233); |
bg-sky-600 | background-color: rgb(2 132 199); |
bg-sky-700 | background-color: rgb(3 105 161); |
bg-sky-800 | background-color: rgb(7 89 133); |
bg-sky-900 | background-color: rgb(12 74 110); |
bg-sky-950 | background-color: rgb(8 47 73); |
bg-blue-50 | background-color: rgb(239 246 255); |
bg-blue-100 | background-color: rgb(219 234 254); |
bg-blue-200 | background-color: rgb(191 219 254); |
bg-blue-300 | background-color: rgb(147 197 253); |
bg-blue-400 | background-color: rgb(96 165 250); |
bg-blue-500 | background-color: rgb(59 130 246); |
bg-blue-600 | background-color: rgb(37 99 235); |
bg-blue-700 | background-color: rgb(29 78 216); |
bg-blue-800 | background-color: rgb(30 64 175); |
bg-blue-900 | background-color: rgb(30 58 138); |
bg-blue-950 | background-color: rgb(23 37 84); |
bg-indigo-50 | background-color: rgb(238 242 255); |
bg-indigo-100 | background-color: rgb(224 231 255); |
bg-indigo-200 | background-color: rgb(199 210 254); |
bg-indigo-300 | background-color: rgb(165 180 252); |
bg-indigo-400 | background-color: rgb(129 140 248); |
bg-indigo-500 | background-color: rgb(99 102 241); |
bg-indigo-600 | background-color: rgb(79 70 229); |
bg-indigo-700 | background-color: rgb(67 56 202); |
bg-indigo-800 | background-color: rgb(55 48 163); |
bg-indigo-900 | background-color: rgb(49 46 129); |
bg-indigo-950 | background-color: rgb(30 27 75); |
bg-violet-50 | background-color: rgb(245 243 255); |
bg-violet-100 | background-color: rgb(237 233 254); |
bg-violet-200 | background-color: rgb(221 214 254); |
bg-violet-300 | background-color: rgb(196 181 253); |
bg-violet-400 | background-color: rgb(167 139 250); |
bg-violet-500 | background-color: rgb(139 92 246); |
bg-violet-600 | background-color: rgb(124 58 237); |
bg-violet-700 | background-color: rgb(109 40 217); |
bg-violet-800 | background-color: rgb(91 33 182); |
bg-violet-900 | background-color: rgb(76 29 149); |
bg-violet-950 | background-color: rgb(46 16 101); |
bg-purple-50 | background-color: rgb(250 245 255); |
bg-purple-100 | background-color: rgb(243 232 255); |
bg-purple-200 | background-color: rgb(233 213 255); |
bg-purple-300 | background-color: rgb(216 180 254); |
bg-purple-400 | background-color: rgb(192 132 252); |
bg-purple-500 | background-color: rgb(168 85 247); |
bg-purple-600 | background-color: rgb(147 51 234); |
bg-purple-700 | background-color: rgb(126 34 206); |
bg-purple-800 | background-color: rgb(107 33 168); |
bg-purple-900 | background-color: rgb(88 28 135); |
bg-purple-950 | background-color: rgb(59 7 100); |
bg-fuchsia-50 | background-color: rgb(253 244 255); |
bg-fuchsia-100 | background-color: rgb(250 232 255); |
bg-fuchsia-200 | background-color: rgb(245 208 254); |
bg-fuchsia-300 | background-color: rgb(240 171 252); |
bg-fuchsia-400 | background-color: rgb(232 121 249); |
bg-fuchsia-500 | background-color: rgb(217 70 239); |
bg-fuchsia-600 | background-color: rgb(192 38 211); |
bg-fuchsia-700 | background-color: rgb(162 28 175); |
bg-fuchsia-800 | background-color: rgb(134 25 143); |
bg-fuchsia-900 | background-color: rgb(112 26 117); |
bg-fuchsia-950 | background-color: rgb(74 4 78); |
bg-pink-50 | background-color: rgb(253 242 248); |
bg-pink-100 | background-color: rgb(252 231 243); |
bg-pink-200 | background-color: rgb(251 207 232); |
bg-pink-300 | background-color: rgb(249 168 212); |
bg-pink-400 | background-color: rgb(244 114 182); |
bg-pink-500 | background-color: rgb(236 72 153); |
bg-pink-600 | background-color: rgb(219 39 119); |
bg-pink-700 | background-color: rgb(190 24 93); |
bg-pink-800 | background-color: rgb(157 23 77); |
bg-pink-900 | background-color: rgb(131 24 67); |
bg-pink-950 | background-color: rgb(80 7 36); |
bg-rose-50 | background-color: rgb(255 241 242); |
bg-rose-100 | background-color: rgb(255 228 230); |
bg-rose-200 | background-color: rgb(254 205 211); |
bg-rose-300 | background-color: rgb(253 164 175); |
bg-rose-400 | background-color: rgb(251 113 133); |
bg-rose-500 | background-color: rgb(244 63 94); |
bg-rose-600 | background-color: rgb(225 29 72); |
bg-rose-700 | background-color: rgb(190 18 60); |
bg-rose-800 | background-color: rgb(159 18 57); |
bg-rose-900 | background-color: rgb(136 19 55); |
bg-rose-950 | background-color: rgb(76 5 25); |
Windframe Tailwind blocks
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