text-justify: Tailwind CSS Text Align class

The text-justify class aligns text evenly along both the left and right margins.


The text-justify class aligns text evenly along both the left and right margins.

Example Code

<div class="p-5 font-bold bg-gray-100 rounded-t-md">
<h3 class="text-gray-500">text-justify</h3>
<p class=" text-gray-700 text-justify">
Tasha's fingers hovered over the keyboard, her heart racing as she stared at
the login screen for TechnoFlux, the cutting-edge platform her boss had
raved about for weeks. It promised to streamline data analysis, but to
Tasha, it looked like a labyrinth of buttons, graphs, and drop-down menus.



Tasha's fingers hovered over the keyboard, her heart racing as she stared at the login screen for TechnoFlux, the cutting-edge platform her boss had raved about for weeks. It promised to streamline data analysis, but to Tasha, it looked like a labyrinth of buttons, graphs, and drop-down menus.

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